



Changes in the Environment 8.11B,C


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    DDT is a pesticide that was once widely used to control agricultural pests and mosquitoes. However, this pesticide caused the eggshells of certain birds, including the brown pelican, to become fragile and thin. The adults would then accidentally crush the eggs while trying to incubate them.  What happened to brown pelican populations as a result of DDT use by humans?
    The populations increased much more slowly.
    The populations decreased as fewer eggs survived long enough to hatch.
    The populations remained stable over time.
    The populations increased as pelicans laid more eggs so that more offspring would survive.
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
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    Which of the following is most likely to cause a change in the genetic traits in an isolated population of a ground-dwelling lizard species?
    The exposure of an individual lizard in the population to radiation that causes a mutation that is not passed on to its offspring.
    An unusually dry summer in the lizard population’s ecosystem.
    The introduction of an invasive predator that preys on the brightest-colored individuals in the lizard population.
    A fast-moving wildfire that burns the canopy of the trees in the lizard population’s ecosystem.
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
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    The white-tailed ptarmigan lives at high elevations on mountains that receive a lot of snow in the winter. During the summer, the ptarmigans’ feathers are mottled brown. The birds lose the brown feathers and grow a new set of white feathers during the winter. Scientists are concerned that rising global temperatures will affect the white-tailed ptarmigan. If global climate change leads to the elimination of snow in the habitat of white-tailed ptarmigans, which adaptation is most likely to occur over many generations?  
    Birds with white feathers in areas without winter snow will be easier for predators to find. Over time this could lead to white-tailed ptarmigans that have brown feathers throughout the year.
    Birds with brown feathers in areas without winter snow will be easier for predators to find. Over time this could lead to white-tailed ptarmigans that have white feathers throughout the year.
    Birds with white feathers will be easier to see on the ground in the summer. Over time this could lead to white-tailed ptarmigans that have white feathers throughout the year.
    Birds with brown feathers will be easier to see on the ground in the winter. Over time this could lead to white-tailed ptarmigans that have brown feathers throughout the year.
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