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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt
    Brrrr. Winter is cold in some places. Many plants do not grow during winter. Some plants die. Snow and ice may cover the ground. It can be hard for animals to find food during winter.  Animals get through this time in many ways.   Birds and butterflies can fly. Many of them do not stick around for the winter. They leave. They go to a place with nice weather. Then they come home in the spring. We call this migration. Migrating is a good way to avoid the cold.
    Which of these animals migrate during winter?
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt
    Other animals tough it out. They do not leave. They do not hide. They must survive. Sometimes nature helps them out. Some animals grow thicker coats in the winter. Other animals change color. The arctic fox is brown in the summer. His coat turns white in the winter.  Winter may be pretty. It is nice to see snow on the trees. But it is dangerous too. People are also at risk. You can get frost bitten or worse. How do you beat the winter? Do you wear a thick coat? Do you stay inside? Or do you live somewhere warm?
    Why does the artic fox´s coat change white during winter?
    The white coat is prettier and attracts mates
    White absorbs the sun and is warmer 
    The white coat helps him blend with the snow
    his body saves energy by reducing hair color
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    Why is winter a difficult season in some places?
    There is less food.
    It is colder.
    Snow and ice cover the ground
    All of these
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