Social Studies

11th -



Cost Curves


14 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt
    Short run marginal costs eventually increase because of the effects of:
    increasing marginal product
    diminishing marginal product
    increasing fixed costs
    diseconomies of scale
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt
    At 100 units of output, a firm's total cost is $10,000. If the firm's total fixed cost is $4,000, its average variable cost is equal to:
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt
    The most profitable level of output for any firm operating in the short run is the level of output at which:
    marginal revenue exceeds marginal cost by the highest amount 
    marginal revenue equals marginal cost 
    price exceeds average cost by the highest amount
    price equals marginal cost 
  • Answer choices
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