What kind of Data structure would you expect to find utilised to store operations in a CPU?
2. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
In computing, What is FILO?
First In First Out
First In Last out
Last Out Lowest Order
A very thin unleavened dough used for making pastries such as baklava and börek in Middle Eastern and Balkan cuisines.
3. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
Which of these data structures is FIFO?
Binary Tree
Double linked list
4. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
A stack overflow is an undesirable condition in which a particular computer program tries to use more memory space than the called stack has available.
5. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
What would 'leaving' a queue be called?
"Leave queue"
"Delete 'system 32' folder"
6. Multiple Choice
1 minute
1 pt
In this tree, where would the new value "7" be placed?
On the left "leaf" of "4"
On the right "leaf" of "6"
On the left "leaf" of "15"
Over the top of the current number "5"
7. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
What would a dynamic data structure entail?
Memory is allocated to the data structure as the program executes.
Memory is allocated to the data structure at compile time.
The size of the structure is fixed
The data structure can also double as TNT
8. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
Which of these sorting methods uses "divide and conquer"?
Bubble Sort
Quick Sort
Cocktail Sort
Selection Sort
9. Multiple Choice
45 seconds
1 pt
A strength of Linear searches is that they can be performed without sorting the list before hand...
10. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
A Binary search requires the data it is searching to be ordered in some way...
11. Multiple Choice
1 minute
1 pt
Which of these describes the operation of a bubble sort?
The lowest valued un-ordered item will move quickest during a bubble sort
The Highest valued un-ordered item will move quickest during a bubble sort
The list will be divided again and again, then re-build in to the correct order
The list will be divided by a pivot, then ordered in smaller groups
12. Multiple Choice
1 minute
1 pt
For a ordered list of 11 items, how many comparisons will alinear search need before it knows that a value in NOT in the list?
13. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
For a ordered list of 11 items, how many comparisons will a Binary search need before it knows that a value in NOT in the list?
14. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
For a linked list, what meta-data will need to be stored with each data entry?
The Name of the list
The address of the current data entry
The address of the next data entry in the list
The meaning of life
15. Multiple Choice
45 seconds
1 pt
What is a data structure?
A method of arranging data
A way of keeping data without an order?
A "stack" only
There is no formal definition for "Data Structure"