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6th -



Sub Saharan Africa


15 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt
    River deltas are found on the lower reaches of rivers, where the flow of water spreads out and slows down, depositing sediments into expanses of wetlands and shallow water. There are two types of deltas: coastal deltas where the river meets the sea and inland deltas where the river fills extensive floodplains and marshes. One of the most famous African examples of an inland delta is the Inner Niger Delta in Mali.
    Which physical environmental process is responsible for the creation of the types of landforms described in the excerpt?
    Ocean currents
    Tectonic plate movement
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt
    Thousands of schools across South Africa are filled with students who dream of being the accountants, engineers, and doctors this country desperately needs, but the education system is often failing the very children depending on it most to escape poverty.  So much so that South Africa is at grave risk, analysts say, of entrenching its racial and class divide rather than bridging it. Half the country’s students never make it to 12th grade. Though some formerly all-white suburban schools are excellent, many student who attend rural and township schools are so badly educated that they qualify for little but menial labor, fueling the nation’s highest rates of unemployment and crime.
    poor economic decisions in South Africa
    government corruption in South Africa
    racial policies in South Africa
    tribal divisions in South Africa
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt
    In Central Africa, conflict has been ongoing between Hutus and Tutsis since 1994. According to Professor Nzongola-Ntalaja, what is the source of the conflict between these groups?In Rwanda, the Tutsi and the Hutu are the same people. They are all people--large  grouping or communities which go from seven regions of Cameroon to Uganda--all  the way to South Africa, in the same culture. People used to be Tutsi or Hutu, depending on the proximity to the king. If you were close to the king, you owned  wealth, you owned a lot of cattle, you are a Tutsi. If you are far away from the king,  you are a cultivator, you don't own much cattle, you are a Hutu. And with that, an  individual could be a Tutsi or Hutu.
    Ethnic differences
    Economic differences
    Religious differences
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