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9th -



Text Structures (Skills Review #8)


45 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    Read the following paragraph. Which text structure is used?

    The pond was a beautiful place to visit. The falling leaves, all different colors, decorated the surface of the water. At the edges of the pond, small wildflowers grew. The golden forest glowed faintly in the distance.

    compare and contrast

    main idea/description


    problem and solution

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    Read the following paragraph. Which text structure is used?
        The Chesapeake Bay faces an uncertain future. Issues such as pesticides, too many nutrients, and habitat loss all threaten the Bay’s water quality and animal life. However, scientists are hopeful that the future may be brighter. If everyone in the Chesapeake Bay watershed works together, solutions may be found.
    cause and effect
    problem and solution
    compare and contrast
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    Read the following paragraph. Which text structure is used?
    Park School had a terrible problem. Every day at recess, students would argue over the slides. Teachers had to spend time every day taking care of the arguments. Finally, one teacher came up with a great solution. They bought another set of slides that everyone could enjoy.
    problem and solution
    cause and effect
    compare and contrast
  • Answer choices
    Answer choices

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