Father of behaviorism; Baby Albert experiment - classically conditioned fear
B.F. Skinner
John Watson
Lawrence Kohlberg
Erik Erikson
2. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
The conditioned stimulus (CS):
is the response to the US.
is originally the neutral stimulus that gains the power to cause the CR.
triggers an unconditioned response reflexively or automatically when the CR happens.
is what triggers the US to occur.
3. Multiple Choice
1 minute
1 pt
Once Pavlov's dogs learned to salivate to the sound of a bell, the bell was a(n)
unconditioned stimulus
neutral stimulus
conditioned stimulus
unconditioned response
4. Multiple Choice
1 minute
1 pt
Which of the following is an unconditioned response?
clapping after a thrilling concert performance
jumping rope
running through a maze to get a food reward
sweating in hot weather
5. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
Who taught dogs to salivate when they heard a bell?
John B. Watson
B.F. Skinner
Ivan Pavlov
Edward L. Thorndike
6. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
Learning is defined as
any behavior emitted by an organism without being elicited
A changed in the behavior of the organism
A relatively permanent change in the behavior of an organism due to experience
Behavior based on operant rather than respondent conditioning
7. Multiple Choice
1 minute
1 pt
The gradual disappearance of a conditioned response is
A token economy
Cognitive learning
8. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
Watson and Rayner's study of Little Albert demonstrated how specific fears
can interfere with the process of learning
can be used as conditioned reinforcers
are acquired through observational learning
may be produced through classical conditioning
9. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
Who discovered classical conditioning through his dog experiments?
Ivan Pavlov
BF Skinner
John Watson
Edward Thorndike
10. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
Learning is defined as
any behavior emitted by an organism without being elicited
A changed in the behavior of the organism
A relatively permanent change in the behavior of an organism due to experience
Behavior based on operant rather than respondent conditioning
11. Multiple Choice
3 minutes
1 pt
In the original Pavlov study, the unconditioned stimulus was
salivation to meat
salivation to bell
12. Multiple Choice
1 minute
1 pt
In Pavlov's original experiment with dogs, the tone was initially a(n) _______ stimulus; after it was paired with the meat, it became a(n) _____ stimulus.
conditioned; neutral
neutral; conditioned
conditioned; unconditioned
unconditioned; conditioned
13. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
Who would have been most likely to ignore mental processes and to define psychology as “the scientific study of observable behavior”?
Edward Titchner
Jean Piaget
John B. Watson
William James
14. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
Behaviorists dismissed the value of
15. Multiple Choice
1 minute
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Who studied unconscious and conscious behavior?
Sigmund Freud
B.F. Skinner
Ivan Pavlov
John B. Watson
16. Multiple Choice
1 minute
1 pt
What animal did Pavlov work with to conduct famous study?
17. Multiple Choice
1 minute
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Type of learning associated with Skinner:
classical conditioning
operant conditioning
Pavlonian conditioning
observational learning
18. Multiple Choice
1 minute
1 pt
Once Pavlov's dogs learned to salivate to the sound of a tuning fork, the tuning fork was a(n)
unconditioned stimulus.
neutral stimulus.
conditioned stimulus.
unconditioned response.
19. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
Watson and Rayner's classical conditioning of "Little Albert" was helpful in explaining that
human emotion such as fear are subject to classical conditioning
some conditioned stimuli do not generalize
small children are not easily conditioned as older children
fear of rats or rabbits are innate responses previously undiscovered
20. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
Who created the Operant Conditioning Chamber?
Edward Tolman
John Garcia
BF Skinner
Ivan Pavlov
21. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
A defendant is harassed and tortured until he confesses. Th is is an example of:
Positive reinforcement
Negative reinforcement
Positive Punishment
22. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
Classical Conditioning is...
23. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
Which example describes negative reinforcement?
Taking away chores due to good behavior
Giving stickers due to good behavior
Isolating a student's desk due to poor behavior
24. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
This type of punishment takes away a desirable stimulus
positive punishment
negative punishment
primary punishment
secondary punishment
25. Multiple Choice
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1 pt
you put on your seatbelt to make your car stop beeping
positive reinforcement
negative reinforcement
conditioned reinforcement
unconditioned reinforcement
26. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
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You get paid for doing your job
positive reinforcement
negative reinforcement
27. Multiple Choice
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The addition of something unpleasant
Postive reinforcement
Negative Reinforcement
Positive Punishment
Neutral Stimulus
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Requires a random amount of time to elapse before giving the reinforcement
Variable ratio
Variable interval
fixed ratio
fixed interval
29. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
Which of the following best reflects negative reinforcement?
Teresa is scolded when she runs through the house yelling.
Greg changes his math class so he doesn't have to see his old girlfriend.
Aditya is raised for having the best essay in class.
Alex takes the wrong medicine and gets violently ill afterward.
30. Multiple Choice
30 seconds
1 pt
Shaping is
a pattern of responses that must be made before classical conditioning is completed
rewarding behaviors that get closer and closer to the desired goal behavior
completing a set of behaviors in succession before a reward is given
inhibition of new learning by previous learning
31. Multiple Choice
3 minutes
1 pt
Parents say, “I’m taking away your phone because you failed Chemistry.” Parents are using