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CSP - U2C1Assessment Review


10 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    Under which of the following conditions is it most beneficial to use a heuristic approach to solve a problem?
    When the problem can be solved in a reasonable time and an approximate solution is acceptable.
    When the problem can be solved in a reasonable time that an exact solution is needed.
    When the problem cannot be solved in a reasonalbe time and an approximate solution is acceptable.
    When the problem cannot be solved in a reasonable time an exact solution is needed.
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    The colors of the pixels in a digital image often represented by red, gren, and blue values between 0 and 255 (an RGB triplet). A photographer is manipulating a digital image to lighten it because all of the RGB values in the image are less than 100, making it very dark. He does this by adding 20 to the R, G, and B values of each pixel, then overwriting the original image. What type of transformation is the photographer using on the digital image.
    Lossless transformation
    Lossy transformation
    Multiband transformation
    Chrome Sampling transformation
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    Which of the following is a true statement about data compression?
    Data compression is only useful for files being transmitted over the Internet.
    Regardless of the compression technique used, once a data file is compressed, it cannot be restored to its original state.
    Sending a compressed version of a file ensures that the contents of the file cannot be intercepted by an unauthorized user.
    There are trade-offs involved in choosing a compression technique for storing and transmitting data.
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