



Ecosystems NC5.L.2.2 (Part B)


15 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt
    Which describes a decomposer?
    an organism that eats only plants
    an organism that makes its own food
    an organism that breaks down dead matter
    an organism that receives energy from the sun
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt
    In a food chain, the sun provides energy for an apple tree to grow. A deer eats an apple from the tree. Which is a consumer?
    the tree
    the apple
    the sun
    the deer
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt
    An ecosystem is a community of organisms interacting with their physical environment. Why are decomposers an important part of ecosystems?
    They break down dead organisms to return nutrients to the soil.
    They produce their own food for survival.
    They play a role in preventing weathering and erosion.
    They provide most of the energy to consumers.
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