
11th -



Oedipus Review


60 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    —What deed had Oedipus accomplished that makes the people believe that he is “the man surest in mortal ways/And wisest in the ways of God”?
    —He’d solved the riddle of the Sphinx and it killed itself.
    —He had defeated the Cretan Bull.
    —He killed the Nemean Lion.
    —He killed the Lernean Hydra, a nine headed monster.
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    20 seconds
    1 pt
    —What has been happening in Thebes that brings all members of the community to Oedipus’s palace for answers?
    —A terrible beast, a Sphinx, has been terrifying the city.
    —A raging volcano has sent rivers of lava through the streets.
    —A plague has descended upon the entire city; death and decay is everywhere.
    —Gigantic swarms of locusts have descended upon the city.
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    —What do the people of Thebes want Oedipus to do for them?
    —They blame him for the problems and want him to leave town.
    —They want him to rid Thebes of the problems and restore the city.
    —They want him to make a sacrifice to Zeus to appease the gods.
    —They want him to offer his youngest daughter to the fiery volcano
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