



Long Walk to Water


25 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    45 seconds
    1 pt
    When Salva decides to walk to Kenya, he becomes the leader of a group of boys.  Why doesn’t Salva leave them behind to make sure he stays safe?
    Salva does not want to travel early in the morning by himself because he is afraid of being eaten by a lion.
    It is safer to travel in a large group because it is easier to find food.
    It is safer to travel in a large group because the soldiers will not bother them
    Salva does not want to treat the other boys the way he was treated after he had to leave his village
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    45 seconds
    1 pt
    How does the reader know there are problems with the water that Nya brings home to her family?
     The water is described as lukewarm, not hot or cold.
    The walk to get water is filled with sand and thorns.
    The people wade into the water, along with birds and cattle.  The water is described as muddy.
    The jug she collects water in cannot be washed.
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    Uncle keeps Salva walking through the desert by- 
    Choosing nearby landmarks & asking him to walk to those;& then choosing another landmark to walk to
    Poking him with his gun
    Threatening to leave him to die in the desert
    Promising him ice cream when they get to the refugee camp
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