
6th -



Nonfiction Text Structure


12 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    The bowling alley was crowded with people. The rumble of bowling balls down the polished wooden alleys—followed by the crash of pins—resulted in screams of delight or moans of disappointment throughout the large room. A group of teenagers gathered near one of the doorways, laughing loudly at their friends as they bowled. Near the far end of the area, a group of children gathered around a table belting out “Happy Birthday” to a friend. 
    compare & contrast
    order & sequence
    problem & solution
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    45 seconds
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    China and India are two highly-populated, large nations in Asia. The total area of China is 9.60 million square km, while that of India is 3.29 square km. Their populations are similar; there are 1.3 billion people living in China and 1.1 billion in India. The life expectancy in China (74 years of age) is higher than that of India (64 years of age). People living in China tend to be better off financially as well. About 10% of Chinese citizens live in poverty, compared to 25% of Indians. 
    compare & contrast
    order & sequence
    problem & solution
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    45 seconds
    1 pt
    An iPodTM touch has a 4” screen, uses Wi-Fi, and is Bluetooth activated. It does not include phone service, nor does it have GPS capability. An iPhoneTM 5 also has a 4” screen and operates on Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. However, the iPhoneTM 5 also uses cellular networks, making it capable of making and receiving phone calls. 
    compare & contrast
    order & sequence
    problem & solution
  • Answer choices
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