



12 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    Tatum showed her report card to her friend, Maddie. Tatum received all As on her report card. Her teacher commented that she enjoys having Tatum in her class.
    Which of the following statements is a generalization? 
    Tatum enjoys going to school.
    Tatum received an A in reading.
    Tatum is a girl
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    The lunchroom workers have noticed that when they serve green beans, the green beans often remain uneaten. When they serve carrots, however, most carrots are gone when the students return their lunch trays.
    Which of the following statements is a generalization?
    Carrots are a vegetable
    More kids at this school eat carrots than green beats
    Most kids don't like green beans. 
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    Megan noticed that all but two teachers in her elementary school are female. However, the majority of her brother's high school teachers are male. 
    Which of the following statements are generalizations?
    Male teachers typically teach upper grade levels.
    Most female teachers prefer working with younger children.
    Both A and B are generalizations.
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