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Reading Comprehension Game 1


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    Living things adapt to their environment so they can survive.  An organism adapts when it develops a behavior that makes it more likely to survive.  It can also adapt by forming a physical characteristic or body part that helps it survive.  What does the word adapt mean in the first sentence?
    changing its eating and sleeping habits
    changing its behavior or its physical characteristics
    changing its environment or habitat
    giving birth to multiple offspring
  • 2. Multiple Choice
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    Animals in the forest have a wide variety of adaptations.  Monkeys have long tails.  They can use them almost like another hand.  This helps them swing quickly through the tops of trees.  They can even do this while holding their babies or gathering food.  Giraffes need to reach leaves at the tops of tall trees.  Having a long neck is an adaptation that allows them to do this.  How do monkeys use their tails as an adaptation? 
    they swat flies with them
    they scare predators with them
    they use them like another hand
    they don't use their tails as an adaptation
  • 3. Multiple Choice
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    Before the United States was a country, it was a group of English colonies.  Until 1793, England didn't really bother the American colonists.  The people handled their business the way they wanted.  However, England had a lot of war debts to pay.  Some of the money was owed because England had defended the colonies in the French and Indian War.  Citizens who were living in England wanted taxes to be lowered.  The king decided to take more control over the colonies to get the money to pay off the debts.  He started a new tax for the colonies.  After being left to make their own decisions for so long, some of the colonists did not want to give up control  They did not want to pay high taxes.  Why did England start demanding taxes in America?
    They are mean and nasty and just wanted the Americans to suffer
    England needed to sell more tea to the Colonies
    England had a lot of debt from wars
    The American Colonies were not making enough money for England
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