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Geography, Other, History


Paleolithic and Neolithic times


185 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    Hominins are similar in all of the following ways EXCEPT
    hominins are capable of walking on two feet.
    hominins care for their babies after giving birth.
    hominins live in social groups.
    hominins have developed complex forms of communication. 
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    How did archaeologists determine the migration patterns of the earliest humans?
    Archaeologists uncovered written records in West Africa describing the earliest human’s way of life.
    Archaeologists used dating methods to determine the approximate age of fossils found in Africa
    Man-made tools found in the Fertile Crescent are much older than other tools found throughout the world.
    Cave drawings in East Africa are the earliest signs of human beings expressing their individuality.
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    The key charateristic of the early human known as Homo Habilis is
    the use of tools
    use of fire
    use of woven clothing
    use of stone houses
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