
5th -



Why Monkeys Live in Trees Quiz


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    What was Leopard doing during this passage in the beginning?
    Looking at himself in a pool of water, then finding out about King Gorilla's contest
    Going to the bathroom, then finding out about King Gorilla's contest
    Eating the big mound of black dust
    Chasing Monkey
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    What is the main summary of this passage?
    Jungle animals learn the importance of eating pepper each night before bed.
    This passage is about the being cool and popular
    There was a contest to see who could eat a mound of pepper in a day, would get a pot of gold. Everybody failed, except Monkey who cheated. Everybody got mad and the monkeys retreated to the trees, and lived there ever since
    This is about the monkeys' ability of flight
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    Summarize what the contest was about.
    To see who could chase the monkeys the fastest
    To see if an animal could lift his pot of gold for King Gorilla 
    To find a leprechaun among the animals  
    King Gorilla would give the animal a pot of gold if they could eat a big mound of black dust (pepper) 
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