Other, History



American History 1 - A


50 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    In June 1788, William Grayson wrote "Infuse new strength and spirit into the state governments; for, when the component parts are strong, it will give energy to the government, although it be otherwise weak." WHICH statement about government would Grayson MOST likely support? 
    Large states should have more say than small states
    New states should be added to strengthen the country
    The Articles of Confederation left the states too weak 
    The Constitution took too much power away from the states
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    Use the table below to answer the question. Which phrase best explains the cause of the results in this table? 
    the issue of slavery
    the concerns of colonial loyalists
    the conflict between large and small states
    the need of the federal government to levy taxes
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    Use the excerpt to answer the question that follows. What was the purpose for John Winthrop's statement? 
    to argue for the abolition of the slave trade
    to promote settlement of the Jamestown colony
    to inspire the Puritan founders of Massachusetts
    to encourage missionaries west of the Appalachians
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