

E200 Final Exam Review


28 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    Which of the following most accurately illustrates the impact of price incentives? 
    a. People usually buy products regardless of price. 
    b. As the price of a product rises, suppliers will be less willing to produce that product. 
    c. The price of a product is unable to bring quantity demanded and quantity supplied into balance. 
    d. Consumers will adjust the amount they purchase in response to changes in prices. 
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    With the passage of time and advancements in technology, scarce resources 
    a. are transformed into goods and services more efficiently, but still remain scarce. 
    b. are no longer scarce.
    c. will become less available and the cost of producing goods and services will rise. 
    d. become less scarce, so that we do not have to choose between alternative uses of those resources. 
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    Which of the following most accurately states the economic significance of exchange? 
    a. Physical goods have value because they exist; exchange can neither increase nor decrease their value
    b. Production of physical goods creates value; exchange merely redistributes this value. 
    c. Exchange creates value by moving goods from parties who value them less to parties who value them more. 
    d. Exchange reduces value since it consumes resources without adding to the physical supply of goods. 
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