

"The Girl Who Lived Forever"


6 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    Which describes the relationship between the first, second, and third sections of the article? 
    The first section provides background information to help the reader understand the events described in the following two sections.
    The first section describes an event. The next two sections provide background information to help the reader understand the event.
    The first section describes an event, the second reveals its causes, and the third explains its effects. 
    They tell a story in chronological order.
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
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    On page 7, Lewis writes, “Hitler fanned the flames of these age-old prejudices . . .” What does the idiom fan the flames mean? 
    to make something more intense 
    to make efforts to improve a difficult situation
    to make a loss feel worse through insults
    to burn something up until it’s gone
  • 3. Multiple Choice
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    Which of the following were among the Nazis’ tactics (actions for achieving a goal)? 
    They rewarded those who helped them and severely punished those who disobeyed them. 
    They took advantage of anti-Semitism that already existed in Europe.
    They isolated Jews.
    all of the above
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