

8th Grade Science Review 5 (Fossil Record)


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt
    The fossil record can reveal changes in the environment over time. Scientists have found fossils of marine animals on the tops of mountains in Canada. What does this tell us about the history of the environment in that area?
    The mountains were once sediment at the bottom of an ocean.
    The ancient environment in the area did not favor fossilization.
    The ancient environment in the area was much drier than it is today.
    The mountains formed before the animals died, and their remains were fossilized.
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    The graph shows how radioactive decay occurs in a 4-milligram (mg) rock sample that contains fossils. The unstable atoms in the sample have a half-life of 1.3 billion years. When the rock forms, the atoms are all unstable. After one half-life, the atoms of 2 mg of the sample are unstable. How much time will have passed after three half-lives?
    0 years
    650 million years
    2.6 billion years
    3.9 billion years
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    A paleontologist is studying fossils of ferns from the Cenozoic era. Species A Is abundant in older rock layers. In younger rock layers, however, Species A disappears and other species of ferns become abundant. Which is the best hypothesis for why Species A disappeared?
    Ferns became less abundant during the Cenozoic era.
    Ferns did not have the resources they needed during the Cenozoic era.
    Species A disappeared after a mass extinction event caused the extinction of all ferns.
    Species A became extinct because of increased competition from other species of ferns.
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