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EOC Review


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt
    What colony did France found along the St. Lawrence River in 1608 for the purpose of establishing and protecting a successful fur trade?
    New Orleans
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt
    In Which of the following states was slavery legal in 1860?
    New York
    North Carolina
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt
    What would supporters of popular sovereignty have MOST LIKELY felt about the Dred Scott Case and the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
    They would have been supportive of both because the Court's decision meant that states could reject slavery if enough people voted against it, while the Kansas-Nebraska Act maintained balance by admitting one state as free and the other as a slave state.
    They would have opposed the Dred Scott decision because it meant that a person could not be deprived of property (a Slave) even if a state's citizens voted against slavery; however they would have supported the Kansas-Nebraska Act because it instituted popular sovereignty.
    They would have opposed both because together, the two abolished slavery without ever allowing citizens the right to vote on the issue.
    They would have supported the Dred Scott decision because it allowed citizens to decide for themselves whether or not their state would have slaves, but they would have opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act because it showed favoritism toward free states.
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