Build your own quiz


4th -



Text Structures


27 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt
    Read the following paragraph. Which text structure is used?
    Have you ever made macaroni and cheese? It’s simple! First, boil some water and make some macaroni. Then, make your cheese sauce. After the cheese sauce is ready, mix it with the macaroni. Bake the entire thing in the oven. Finally, it’s time to eat!
    chronological order
    compare and contrast
    problem and solution
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt
    Read the following paragraph. Which text structure is used?
    The cardinal and the cedar waxwing are two common birds. Both have crests on their heads. Both are common at birdfeeders. But the birds have some differences. The male cardinal is a bright red, while the waxwing is brown.  The cedar waxwing often migrates from place to place. On the other hand, the cardinal stays in one place year after year.
    compare and contrast
    problem and solution
    cause and effect
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt
    Read the following paragraph. Which text structure is used?
    Park School had a terrible problem. Every day at recess, students would argue over the slides. Teachers had to spend time every day taking care of the arguments. Finally, one teacher came up with a great solution. They bought another set of slides that everyone could enjoy.
    problem and solution
    cause and effect
    compare and contrast
  • Answer choices
    Answer choices

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