What type of source is this? An original photograph from the 1941 attack at Pearl Harbor that you found in your grandparents photo album
9. Multiple Choice
20 seconds
1 pt
I found a letter to one of my friends in the locker room after school the other day. I know it's private, but I want to read it! What is the letter?
Primary Source
Secondary Source
10. Multiple Choice
20 seconds
1 pt
At school we use textbooks to learn about the history of the United States. When we use textbooks, what are we using?
Primary Source
Secondary Source
11. Multiple Choice
20 seconds
1 pt
My mom has CDs of my grandparents telling stories about when they were kids. We love to listen to these at family gatherings. What are we listening to?
Primary Source
Secondary Source
12. Multiple Choice
20 seconds
1 pt
I am writing an essay on George Washington for my U.S. History class. I used articles from Wikipedia and another encyclopedia. What am I using?
Primary Source
Secondary Source
13. Multiple Choice
20 seconds
1 pt
Is this an example of a primary or secondary source?