


Lyddie Chapters 17-20


18 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
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    Why has Lyddie become worried about Rachel in chapter 17?
    The owner of the boardinghouse will no longer allow Rachel to stay at the boardinghouse
    Rachel has developed a very bad cough that wakes her up at night.
    The factory owner has agreed to allow Rachel to work a very dangerous job at the mill.
    Rachel gets a fever and can no longer remember her name or the people around her.
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt
    How does living with Rachel affect Lyddie?
    Lyddie becomes bitter and resentful because she has to take care of Rachel.
    Lyddie becomes angrier and angrier at her mother for sending Rachel to live with her.
    Lyddie becomes friendlier and nicer as a result of Rachel's influence.
    Lyddie becomes overjoyed because she will receive money from the state of Massachusetts to take care of Rachel because she is under the age of 18. 
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
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    Read this excerpt about Lyddie's recovery from the fever.
    It has been two weeks since she fell ill, and Dr. Morris still refused to let her return to work. Her mind roared protest, but her legs could hardly carry her to the privy. Her body has never betrayed her before. She despisedits weakness..."
    In this passage, what does the word despised mean?
    looked forward to
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