Build your own quiz


7th -



Semester 1 review


25 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    The number 2/3 would fall into which set of numbers?
     I.  Real Numbers
    II.  Irrational Numbers
    III.  Integers
    IV.  Rational Numbers
    I and II
    I and III
    I and IV
    I, II, and IV
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    A-1 Lawns charges $125 to mow 1 acre, plus $12 per bush that needs to be trimmed. Jo’s Lawns charges $36 per bust but will mow 1 acre for free. What inequality can you use to find how many bushes a yard must have to make the total cost for A-1 Lawns less than the total cost for Jo’s Lawns?
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    Which of the following situations can be modeled by the equation 30+5x=8x?
    Brenda has already knit 30 inches of a scarf and can knit 5 inches per day. Gabe starts a new scarf and can knit 8 inches per day. When will Gabe’s scarf be the same length as Brenda’s?  
    Emi races her little brother Sam. She gives him a 30-foot head start. She runs at 5 feet per second. Same runs at 8 feet per second. When will Emi catch Sam?
    Thirty people give $5 to Charity A, and eight people give money to Charity B. How much does Charity B receive?
    Ava has $30. She saves $8 per week. Tim has no money, but he saves $5 per week more than Ava. When will they both have the same amount?
  • Answer choices
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