

Objective Summary



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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt
    What does "objective" mean?
    No opinions or reactions, just the facts.
    Giving your personal reflections on the topic. 
    No statistics used to support the idea.
    Having plenty of evidence to support your opinion.
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt
    A good objective summary....
    Is a summary sentence of the text that covers the key details.
    Identifies the topic, has all the key words, and is a complete sentence.
    Focus on the main idea of the text and only the details that support it. 
    Uses direct quotes from the text in order to let the audience know what it was about. 
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt
    What should NOT be in your objective summary?
    The main idea
    The opinions you create
    The supporting details
    A concluding sentence
  • Answer choices
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